Health & Care

The Rainbowhouse for Health (MACS - Maison arc-en-ciel de la Santé) is a health center for LGBTQIA+ people. This project is sustained by ExÆquo , Genres Pluriels and Tels Quels which are all known for their psycho-medico-social services, for their ability to direct people to LGBTQIA+ friendly health professionals and for their trainings of health professionals. These three associations have now moved a part of their offices and/or activities to les Grands Carmes. In 2025, MACS opens officially as a Medical House and therefore you can access to a general health services while others organizations still cover their services. See below for specific needs.
Info: MACS
Grands Carmes street 20, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
From Monday to Wednesday: 9:00-18:00
Thurdsay: 9h-12h
Phone : Monday to Friday: 9:00-18:00
Numerous studies indicate that LGBTI people have specific health needs compared to the general population. Those needs are not always identified by the general public health care staff. Sometimes simply because people don’t dare to come out to medical staff. This results in poor care for LGBTI people and greater health risks for them. Several associations have decided to create a “Rainbow House of Health” offering a specific and adapted welcome to LGBTI people, with medical staff trained in the specificities of those groups. “The Rainbow House of Health” wants to implement a inclusive, global and intersectionnal health care. It tries to bring concrete solutions to the impact of those discriminations on the physical, mental and sexual health of LGBTI+ people.
Services :
- Psycho & Sexotherapy consultations
- Testing
- Chemsex Support
- Social services
- Networks of LGBTQIA+ friendly professionals
- Training for professionals

Ex Æquo is an association that promotes health for men who have sex with other men. It aims for a decrease in new transmissions of HIV/AIDS and STD's. Ex Æquo provides STD-tests and makes prevention for STD's by informing and training health professionals, by distrubuting supplies (condoms, lube) and by providing supplies for harm reduction related to drugs. Ex Æquo also offers psychotherapy counselling. There are also speaking groups about for example Chemsex (sexual activity under the influence of drugs). The association also organises multiple activities called "entre potes" (yoga classes, board games and more). Last but not least, Ex Æquo also created the TTBM network (très très bons médecins = very very good doctors) which is a network of gay-friendly and HIV-friendly health professionals.
Appointments and more info:
02 736 28 61
Genres Pluriels aims to support, improve the visibility, defend the rights and fight against the discrimination of transgender/gender fluid and intersex people. They offer psycho and sex-therapies and activities like monthly permanence and support groups for trans*, inter* people and anyone questioning their gender and their circle. They also manage the trans-inter network, which lists professionals trained by them and who are trans and inter* friendly.
Appointments at:
For informations about Genres Pluriel's activities:
Tels Quels is an association that stands for the defense and protection of the LGBTQIA+ community. They have a social care service with staff members who are trained to answer any question (social, psycho-social, legal, medical, cultural,...) related to sexual orientation and gender identity. Their cultural data base/library contains many LGBTQIA+ movies, publications and fictions, they also have a monthly podcast "Hors Case". Tels Quels organizes many activities like a festival, a movie club, a book club and several senior circles. They founded the project "Go to Gynéco" with O'yes, to form, promote and create a network of health professionals trained about the sexual health of women having sex with other women.
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